Level of Experience
Emerging Creative: 0 - 5 years experience
Working Creative: 5 - 10 years experience
Experienced Creative: 10 - 20 years experience
Established Creative: 20 - 30 years experience
Veteran Creative: 30+ years experience
Briefly describe your work experience in the creative sector, highlighting your key roles, responsibilities, and any notable projects or achievements
Select the option that best describes your current role in the creative industry:
a business owner with a registered creative business
employed by a production company
creative freelancer
Work Portfolio link, Show Reel, Performance link (if applicable)
Accessibility and Accomodation
This section provides the project team with clear insights into the accessibility needs of each participant, promoting an inclusive and supportive environment.
Do you have any specific accessibility needs or disabilities that we should be aware of?
If yes, please specify:
What type of accommodations or support would help you participate fully in this program? (Examples: ASL interpretation, captioning, large print materials, etc.)
Do you require any mobility assistance?
If "Yes," please specify (e.g., wheelchair access, ramps, seating):
Would you benefit from any sensory accommodations? (Examples: Noise-canceling headphones, quiet spaces, modified lighting)
If "Yes," please specify:
Do you require materials in alternative formats?
Large Print
Digital or Screen Reader-compatible
If "Others" please specify:
Are there any dietary restrictions or needs we should consider? (Examples: allergies, food intolerances, religious dietary needs)
Will you need any assistive technology for virtual sessions? (Examples: screen reader, screen magnification, speech-to-text software)
If "Yes," please specify:
Do you require personal assistance or an aide to participate in the sessions?
If "Yes," please describe the type of assistance needed:
Please provide any additional details or specific requirements that would enhance your participation in the program
1. Motivation and Background
What inspired you to pursue a career in Finance, how would you describe your creative style, and what keeps you motivated in the African creative industry?
2. Skills and Experience
How many years of experience do you have in your role, what types of projects have you worked on, and what specific skills have you developed through your experience?
3. Challenges and Goals
What specific challenges do you face in your role within the African creative industry, and in what areas would you like to improve, particularly through this training?
4. Technology and Tools
What tools, software, or technology do you currently use in your work, how proficient are you with them, and are there any technologies you wish to learn or improve upon during this training?
5. Training Expectations
Why do you want to participate in the Africa Creative Blueprint training, and what specific skills or knowledge do you hope to gain from this program?
How do you approach pricing and distributing creative works to ensure profitability? (maximum 150 words)
What challenges do you face in the African creative market? (maximum 150 words)
What tools or technology do you use for distribution, sales tracking or market analysis? (maximum 150 words)
Participation in this training requires full attendance at both virtual and in-person sessions. Please review the training schedule on the Africa Creative Blueprint website or the first page of this form to ensure your availability for all dates.
Do you confirm your commitment to attend every session, both virtual and in-person?
Do you have access to the necessary technology (e.g., phone, tablet, computer, internet connection) to participate in the virtual sessions on Zoom?
Confirm the state where you will attend your in-person training. Note that training is provided at no cost to participants, and lunch will be covered by ACB. However, participants traveling from other cities are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses
The Virtually facilitated part of this program is a 4 Day intensive experience, which requires 12 - 14 hours of consistent training in total. Do you have any concerns about your ability to attend the virtual program in full?
The In-person facilitated part of this program is a 3 - 4 Day intensive experience, which requires 6 - 8 hours per day of consistent activities, including long periods of sitting during the In-person program. Do you have any concerns about your ability to attend the program in full?
I understand that the Ascend Studios, Partners, facilitators and mentors are investing time, effort, and funds in the program. I confirm that I am available to participate in the entire (virtual and in-person) program, and make a firm commitment to take part in all program activities.
I agree to comply with all regulations of the program and all local and national Laws of Nigeria.
I understand that I will be responsible for my health, medications and or medical insurance for routine medical care, or treatment of any pre-existing medical or dental condition or for an emergency situation.
I understand that this program excludes an accompanying spouse, child(ren), and/or other person(s). (Please type your name as
a signature)
Use of Image and Likeness
By participating in the Africa Creative Blueprint program, the Participant grants Ascend Studios, USAID and partners, the right to use, reproduce, publish, and distribute the Participant's name, image, and likeness in connection with program materials, ACB promotional activities, reports, and social media content. This right includes, but is not limited to, images, audio, video recordings, and written content produced during the program, and may be used for informational purposes in both digital and print media.
I agree
Data Protection and Social Media